PLEASE read the quick start sections
in the manual to understand the plug-in controls.
They are only a single page. Links: Colormancer
| Selective
You are downloading the Colormancer suite, which consists of our Colormancer
and Selective Color plugins. The license
terms and installation instructions are
below. Our support
pages have manuals for each plugin.
To purchase our set of color correction plug-ins, please visit our online
You may not decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer this
You may not distribute this demo to others. Please refer them
to the website instead (
By downloading and installing this software, you agree to the terms
of this license.
Installation Instructions
To install, simply unzip and copy the plugin file into your Photoshop plugins directory.
It's as simple as that! If you run into problems, try the step-by-step instructions
Mac OS X
Download the .zip archive.
Unzip/un-archive the file. If your computer cannot do this, download
and install a free version of Stuffit
Expander to do this.
Double-click the "mac" folder.
Move the plug-in (the file with the .plugin extension) into your
Photoshop Plugins folder. The Plugins folder should be found under
something similar to Applications --> Adobe Photoshop CS4 -->
Delete any old or demo plug-in versions in your Photoshop Plugins
Quit and relaunch Photoshop if it's already running.
In Photoshop, the plug-in will be found under Filter --> Colormancer
Download the .zip archive.
Unzip/un-archive the file. If your computer cannot do this, you may
need to download and install a free version of WinZip
or WinRar.
Double-click the "windows" folder. If you wish to install
the 64-bit version, double-click the "64-bit windows" folder
Move the plug-in (the file with the .8bf extension) into your Photoshop
Plugins folder. The Plugins folder should be found under something
similar to
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\Plug-Ins\
Delete any old or demo plug-in versions in your Photoshop Plugins
Quit and relaunch Photoshop if it's already running.
In Photoshop, the plug-in will be found under Filter --> Colormancer